About Uttam

Born: 31-12- 1962 in Munshigonj, Bangladesh
Lives in Rome, Italy🇼đŸ‡č & UK 🇬🇧 Europe
Email: kk2uttam@gmail.com
Facebook/instagram: Uttam kumar karmaker
Mobile: +44 736 7111 675 (UK)
+39 342 1449639( IT)
+8801714440280 (BD Mobile)
My Art Studio
Via Sora, 24, 00186 Rome , Italy

2008: Diploma (Laurea) 2nd level, Specialist in Painting
( Equivalente Masters of Fine Arts+ Biennal, Specialized)
Academy of Fine Arts, Macerata, Italy
2005: Diploma (Laurea) 2nd level in Painting
(Equivalente Masters of Paintings)
Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy
1989-1993/ 1999- 2021: Scuola libera del Nudo( Free Nude Drawing Course )
Under the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy
1986: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Drawing & Paintings
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

2022: Art Gallery, Blue Fish, Maribo ,Denmark
2021: Library Art Gallery, Taunton City Council, Somerset, UK
2020: Art Gallery, Fredikstad Kunstforening, Norway
2012: Bengal Art Gallery, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2011: “Menu’ Del Giorno” at Contemporary Art Gallery, Biblioteche’
Bhaktivedanta, Rome, Italy
2010: Art Gallery, Cassiopea, Rome, Italy
2009: Art Gallery, Biblioteche Kobe, Rome Italy
2002: Art Gallery, City Council, Cosenza, Italy
2001: Art Gallery, “I Portici”, Riposto, Catania, Italy
1999: Art Gallery “21” Dhaka, Bangladesh
1991: Art Gallery “Dolce Productions”, MalmĂ¶â€, Sweden
1991: Art Gallery City Council Palace, Avazzano, ( L’Aquila), Italy
1991: Art Gallery, Literary Center, Rome Italy
1990: Art Gallery “ Il Leone”, Rome Italy
1989: Art Gallery, Cultural Center, “Dolcis Inn”, Rome Italy
1989: City Council, Exhibits Space, Elborg, Holand
1989: Art Gallery, Italian Ministry of Turismo,Rome Italy
1987: Art Gallery, “Il Punto”, Florence Italy
1986: Art Gallery Space, Embassy of Bangladesh, Rome Italy

2025: Int.Art Exhibits, White Paper
Journey of Art with New Enthusiasm
Zainul Art Gallery, Faculty of Fine Arts University of Dhaka, (BD)
2024: Int. Art Biennial,Caudete, Spain
2024: Int. Watercolor Exhibition
& Festival, Texas/ USA
2023: International Art Exhibit. Snaanzi, China
2022: 19th Int. Asian Art Biennale, at National Art Gallery
( Shilpokala Academy) Dhaka Bangladesh
2022: Int. Watercolors, online Exhibits, Uttarer Pot, Siliguri,
Darjeeling, India
2022: Int. Watercolors Exhibit,( Fico Eataly World)) Bologna Italy
2022: Int.Watercolors Exhibit, Kala Academy, Bhopal, India
2022: Int.Art Exhibit, “Eternal Femininity”
Contemporary Modern Art Museum,(Pales Belmonte Riso) Palermo Italy
2021: Int. Watercolors Exhibit, Siapest, Indonesia
2021: Int.Watercolors Exhibits, (Haradanomori Gallery) The World Art Day in Japan, by UNESCO. Kobe, Japan
2021: Int. Masters, Watercolors Exhibits, Lushan, China
2020: Int. Mural Art, Exhibit at Atelier Montez, Rome, Italy
2019: 58th edition of The Biennale di Venezia,Bangladesh National Pavilion,
Palazzo Zenobio, Venice Italy
2018: Int. Art Exhibit, City Art Gallery,Tapei, Taiwan
2018: Int. Watercolors Exhibit, (ARA) Art Gallery Agostino Rome Italy
2018: Int. Watercolors Exhibit & Festival/ India/ Brazil/ UAE 2018: Fabriano Italy
2017: Int. Watercolors Exhibit, (IWS) Dhaka, Bangladesh
2017: Festival, Fabriano, Italy
2016: Int. Watercolors Exhibit, ,Art Gallery Stefania, Budapest, Hungry
2016: Int. Watercolors Exhibit, T Salonica, Greece
2015: Global Villages,Event in concomitant, 56th Biennale di Venezia,
Officina dell Zattere, Venice, Italy
2015: Int. Watercolors Biennale,(IWS) Bornova, Turkey
2015: Exhibit,
(ARA) Gallery Bramante, Rome, Italy
2015: Int. Watercolor Exhibit,(IWS) Selected Artist, Pakistan
2014: Int. Art Exhibit,( Pintar Rapido) Tawn Hall Gallery,
Chelsea, London, UK
2014: Int. Watercolors Exhibit,(IWS) Nesvehir, Turkey
2014: Exhibit/Festival, Fabriano, Italy
2014: Int. Watercolors Exhibit,(ARA)
Gallery Augostina, Rome, Italy
2013: 55th, Int. Art Biennale, La Biennale di Venezia,” Supernatural” National Pavilion Bangladesh, Officina Delle Zattere, Vince, Italy
2012: “Environmental Obsession” Int. Art Exhibit, National Art Museum, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2012: Classmate group Art Exhibit, Gallery Cosmos, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2012: “One in Beauty”, Art Exhibit in Three Artists, Biblioteche, Rome Italy
2012: Int. Art Biennale, Museum Grottaglia, Taranto, Italy
2011: “La Finestra di Venezia sul Bangladesh”, Italian Embassy, by Bengal Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2011: “7 Vision” Group Art Exhibit, Tivoli Art Gallery, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2011: “Int. Women’s Day” Art Exhibit, Artists Society
at. Bangabandhu International Conference Center(BIFC) Dhaka, Bangladesh
2011: Int. Art Exhibit, Gallery Cassiopea, Rome, Italy
2011: Int. Art Exhibit, “Nativity”, Ceramics Museum, Deruta, Perugia, Italy
2010: Int. Art Exhibit, Atelier degli Artisti, Trastevere, Rome, Italy
2009: Group Art Exhibit, Gallery Utopia, Rome, Italy
2006: Int. Art Exhibit, Gallery”Artetica” S. Lorenzo, Rome, Italy
2005: Int. Art Exhibit, Contemporary Art Museum, Fonte Nuova, Rome, Italy
2005: Int. Art Exhibit, Best Selected Artists, from Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
“ Studio- 05,” Rome, Italy
2004: Int. Art Exhibit, For the Pace, “Infantry Museum” Rome, Italy
2003: Int. Art Exhibit, Gallery, American Center, Pilsen, Check Republic
2001: Int. Art Fair, by the Gallery” Firma dell Autore”), Padova, Italy
2000: Int. Art Exhibit, “Expository Space, City Council”, Copenhagen, Denmark
1999: Int. Art Exhibit, “City Council Space”, Frosinone, Italy
1999: 2nd, Int, Asian Art Biennale, National Art Gallery,( Shilpakala Academy) fDhaka, Bangladesh
1993: Int. Art Exhibit, Art Studio, Via Del Corso, Rome, Italy
1992: Int. Art Exhibit, Academy of Romania, Rome, Italy
1990: Int. Art Exhibit, “Expository Space, City Council”, Valmontone, Italy
1985: Int. Young Artists Exhibit, Kobe, Japan
1981- 1984, Anual Students Art Exhibit, Institute of Fine Arts,
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1981: 1st. Int. Asian Art Biennale, National Art Gallery,( Shilpakala Academy)Dhaka, Bangladesh
1981: Int. Young Art Exhibit, in China
1980: Young Artists Exhibit, National Art Gallery( Shilpakala Academy)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
1979: Int. Young Artists Exhibit, “Commonwealth Institute”, London, UK

2024: Art Demonstration Caudete,Spain
2024: Art Camp & Workshop
Bong Thrift, LM Hotel, Dhaka(BD)
2023: Art Workshop, Fredikstad, Kunstforening, Fredikstad Norway
2023: 9th Silk Road Int. Art Festival
Shaanxi Province/ People’s Republic of China
2022: Art Workshop, Fredikstad Kunstforening, Fredikstad Norway
2020: Fabriano, Italy
2020: Demonstration, University Of Kota, Rajasthan, India
2018: Demonstration, Audrey House, Ranchi, India
2015: Art Workshop, Performance Paintings/Music/ Poetry, Cultural Center
Music Theater Int. Rome, Italy
2015: (Forte Margherita) Venice, Italy
2014: Color of Food, Performance Paintings / Music “Wine Cibibando”
Gaeta, (LT) Italy
2013: “Traffic Art” Paintings/Music/Dance with Children’s, Alborg, Denmark
2010: “Traffic Art” Helsingborg, Sweden.
2010: “Traffic Art – By you”, Urban Art/ Performance/ Music/Dance/ World Genes Record Book, (Productions, MT Int.) ”Mirdif City Center” Dubai,UAE,
2010: “Traffic Art” Painting/ Music/ Dance/ with Children’s/ Adults, Skgness, UK
2009: “Traffic Art”/ Workshop/ Painting/ Live Music/ Dance/ Body Art/
With Students, National Academy Of Dance,(Productions MT. Int.)Rome, Italy
2008: “Traffic Art” Painting/BodyArt/ Dancing/ Music/ Children’s+Adults
2007: “Traffic Art” Trustope,Denmark
2005: Live Portrait making of Valentino Rossi,(Several times World Championship Moto GP) At Al Pincio, Rome, Italy
2005: Art Workshop,Painting,(Organized by Academy of Fine Arts, Rome )with Children’s, at Ex Mattatoio Presently part of (Contemporary Art
Museum, Macro) Rome, Italy
2004: Video Installation/ Painting Exhibit/ Cultural Week, at
Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy
2003: Art Workshop, with Children’s/ Adults/ Copenhagen, Denmark
2003: Int. Art Residency/ Simposio, Dolni Lucavich, Check Republic
2000: “Traffic Art” Festival of the Invasions, with Children’s/ Adults, at Cosenza, Italy

2023: 9th Silk Road Int. Art Festival
Shaanxi Province/ People’s Republic of China
2021: Honorary Certificate, Master Watercolors Artists, from Lushan, China
2021: Gratitude Certificate, World Art Day, from Kobe, Japan
2018: Honorary Certificate Diploma, Int. Watercolors Festivals,
from Ranchi, India
2018: 1st, Award, Int. Estemporanee Painting Competition,
Sierra San Quirico,(AN) Italy
2017: 3rd, Award, Int. Estemporanee Painting Compitition/Subiaco, Rome, Italy
2015: 2nd, Award, Int. Estemporanee Painting Compitition/ Abazia di Valedicastro, Fabriano, Italy
1979- 2018: Severals Honorary Diplomas & Honorary
Certificates for Participating Art Exhibits
1979: Merit Certificate, “Gallery Dolce Productions” Malmö, Sweden
1992: Merit Award, Academy of Romania, Rome, Italy
1991: Merit Award, Academy of Anaversana, Rome, Italy
1991: Merit Award, “Literature Center of Lazio”, Rome, Italy
1990: 4th Award, Int. Art Exhibit, (City of Valmontone), Rome, Italy
‘1990: Unique Award, for the Figure Painting & Achieved Master Title,
Academy of Tiberina” Rome, Italy
1985: Participating Certificate, Int. Young Art Exhibit, Kobe, Japan
1980- 1982: Classe Best Award, Institute of Fine Arts, Dhaka, Bangladesh
1979: Merit Award, for the Participating, Int. Young Artists Exhibits,
Commonwealth Institute, London, UK.